Attached is all the information needed for your children to proceed with their science fair project, whether it is an experiment or an invention. A registration form is also attached for printing - this is the same one that went home with the students after the Science Fair assembly.
Friday, March 1st - Registration forms due! They can be turned in to your child's teacher or the front office.
Thursday, March 14th -
7:30-8:30am - Science Fair Poster Board and Binder drop-off (please drop off your projects at the back door of the gym). We will have a sign-in table set up - please check in with us before leaving the projects/boards.
9:00am - 3:00pm - Students from Highlands Ranch High School will be judging our science fair projects. Students will be called by grade to present. During the day all students will get the chance to walk through the Science Fair. This is for students only.
3:30pm - 4:30pm - Family Viewing. Please come by and check-out all of the projects after school. At 4:30pm your student should take home their projects/boards.
*All participants will receive a medal on the day of the fair and be able to attend our root beer float celebration party (date TBD)*
Thank you for helping your children with their projects! This is such a fun event where we really get to see your children’s creativity and curiosity come to life!
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions,
Rhea and Kate
1. Get Registered!

2. Print out the correct Science Fair Packet so you know what to do, here are the links:
3. Look at the Judges form so you know how you will be evaluated, here is the link:

4. If you have more questions look at the Parent Information, here is the link:

5. Most of all Have Fun!!!