Clubs and Groups

Some of these activities are not sponsored nor endorsed by the Douglas County School District or any of its schools. The District assumes no responsibility for the conduct during or the safety of the activities. Non-Sponsored activities will include an outside vendor designation.

Douglas County School District shall be held harmless from any cause of action, claim, or petition filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials.



Attention All Singers in Grades 3-6!

Rehearsals will be every Thursday from 3:30-4:45 in the Music Room

Starting Thursday, Sep 5, 2024.

We will rehearse weekly until our performances on 

Thursday, November 15, at 6:30 P.M. and Friday, November 16, at 9:00 A.M.


Please fill out the Registration Form and return to 

Ms. Toline with $15 (Cash or check made out to ERE to be used for Choir t-shirts) 

by Friday, August 30, 2024

Run Club

Run Club is a chance for students to run a mile before school on select days. It is organized and supervised by ERE staff and is always lots of fun.

Who: All Eagle Ridge students (grades K-6). Parent's are welcome and encouraged to join.
 If your child cannot independently complete 1 mile in 15 minutes, a parent MUST accompany them.

When: Fridays!  8/23, 8/30, 9/13,  9/27, 10/4, 10/11, 10/25, and 11/1

*****No run club on 9/6, 9/20 and 10/17
Time:  Stretching will begin at 8:05am at the flagpole. Students will then come into school for “soft start” at 8:30 am. 
Where: We will meet at the front entrance flagpole to begin our run. Please send your children dressed accordingly in proper running shoes, layers, fleece tops, hats, and gloves, etc. are recommended during the cooler mornings Cost: Free! 

*Form needs to be filled out before they attend their first run. All runners need to complete the form even if they participated in Run Club previously.


Click the link to complete the form



Battle of the Books

We are so excited to have another fantastic year of Battle of the Books here at ERE! Please read the
information below to see if your student would be interested in joining.   DETAILS ON MEETING SCHEDULE COMING SOON!

About BOTB:
Battle of the Books is a bowl-style trivia tournament that’s all about books, engaging hundreds of young
minds every year! Dozens of teams in grades 3-6 compete against each other in inter-school battles and
finals tournaments to determine a districtwide champion for all of Douglas County.

Students love Battle of the Books, but please know it requires a lot of reading. Your child should begin reading at the beginning of September when the list from DCL is released. Two books will need to be read by the beginning of October. Students will need to be prepared to read 10 books (students may be assigned some, but not all of the books). While it’s lots of fun, it also involves work and commitment. If a student isn’t completing the reading, participating in our meetings, and contributing, we will have to ask them to leave our team. Please sign up with this link if your student is interested in competing in the Battle of the Books.


EBOP: Elementary Band and Orchestra with Highlands Ranch High School 

EBOP Banner

EBOP is the Elementary Band and Orchestra Program offered at Highlands Ranch High School for HRHS elementary feeder schools. Students in 5th and 6th grade have the opportunity to learn an instrument while gaining musical experience with their peers. In addition, students develop relationships with future Cresthill Middle School peers which can have a positive impact on their educational experiences as they move on to middle school and high school.


Do you know the benefits of playing an instrument, just a few are:

  1. Increases the capacity of your memory

  2. Refines your time management and organizational skills

  3. Boosts your team skills.

  4. Teaches you perseverance

  5. Enhances your coordination

  6. Betters your mathematical ability

  7. Improves your reading and comprehension skills

  8. Increases your responsibility.

In essence, playing an instrument is good for you and fun! So join EBOP!



Band instrument instruction is available to students on flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone, and drums/percussion. Orchestra (String) instrument instruction is available to students on violin and cello.


Chess Club:

See FLYER for more info

National Chess Master Todd Bardwick will be offering an eight-week chess class at Eagle Ridge Elementary starting on January 13, 2025.

The class will be structured teaching in the first half hour and then the students will play each other the second half hour while Todd gives suggestions, answers questions, and helps them to better understand chess strategies. The students will be introduced to all phases of the game, etiquette, tactics, and strategies. No prior chess knowledge is necessary. Grades K-6.

Chess class will meet in Art Room from 7:30-8:30 am on Monday mornings before school. 

Dates for the class are: January 13, 27; February 3, 10, 24; March 3, 10, 24

Girls and Boys Cub Scouts

PACK 628 is sponsored by the Parents of Troop 628 and is a religiously unaffiliated group that meets at

Eagle Ridge Elementary. We invite families from our home school, Acres Green, Fox Creek, Lone Tree

and Wildcat Mountain Elementary schools to join our community of outdoor enthusiasts.

 All boys and girls in grades K-5 are welcome!

Learn more about PACK 628 at

or contact [email protected] for more information.

STEM Explorers Club:- Mondays 3:30-4:30

Here at the STEM Explorers Club, we believe that every child has the potential to become an innovative thinker and a creative problem-solver. Our program is dedicated to nurturing these skills by engaging elementary-aged students in hands-on Makerspace projects that blend craft supplies, technology elements, and recycled materials. Fees cover the cost of all materials and students will take home the projects they will create each session.

To keep families connected with our work, weekly email communication will be sent. We also use the family-friendly app, Seesaw to share pictures and video to capture action shots.

Our themes will include: Space, Animal Adaptations and Force & Motion

Taught by a Certified Teacher with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership, Naomi Meredith

When: Mondays starting September 9, 2024-December 2, 2024 (11 club sessions) 9/9, 9/16, 9/23, 9/30, 10/7, 10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/11, 11/18, 12/2

Sessions will not be held when school is out of session for holidays/breaks or when school is canceled due to inclement weather. There will be no make-up days.

Where: Library- Eagle Ridge Elementary

**Refer a friend and receive a $15 credit after they sign up!**